Monday, June 4, 2007

Finally got things figured out!

I am new to this tote exchange/blog stuff, and finally got the upstream/downstream issues figured out. Sorry to my downstream partner now understand the process. And thanks to my upstream partner-You Wish You Knew []. I just sent you an email response to the introduction one.
Also, I have no home internet service and no digital photo options for loading in pictures-but can mail out hardcopies to someone if they can post them. Please let me know. Thanks-and knitting away in WA state! :-)

Friday, April 27, 2007

1. Name and blogger handle: Christy
2. Blog URL (if applicable):christycowan
3. Do you want a purse that is felted/not felted/surprise me: Felted
4. Color/fiber likes and dislikes:Suprise me
5. Do you tend to be dressy or casual?Casual
6. Prefer a pal who lives in the USA or international?doesn't matter
7. Miscellaneous info (anything you want to tell your pal):